Friday, June 27, 2008

I Got Approved

YEAH!!! I have been trying to get the money together for months to go to Dr Joya in Mexico and have VSG wls surgery. I finally got approved and the money will be in my account in 2 weeks. Here I come Mexico.

I am scared and excited and anxious and so many other emotions at the moment. I never really believed it would happened. I figured the bank would turn me down or my husband would fight me or our car would die and I'd never be able to afford to do this. Now it feels real. I'm finally moving forward. I have the money. My husband and children are supportive. have a friend who will watch my kids and dogs, and a back up in place for both. Its really going to happen and I am going to get healthy again.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So I spent the afternoon in court. I drove a friend and stayed to bring her home. Much to my surprise another friend or more like an aquaintience was there for the same reason. They had both been charged with DUI. This was my first time in a court room in 16 yrs. The excuses people gave were amazing. I was sickened by the whole thing.

Back to my friends. One was drunk and admits it freely but the breathalyzer test was inconclusive twice and only registered on the third try. She's going to fight the charge. The friend I went with swears she wasn't drunk. She had a couple drinks early in the evening and quit drinking. At the end of the night a bunch of guys who had drank way to much had no ride home and she gave them a lift. As she dropped them off she was pulled over. She took 4 breathalyzers all inconclusive and offered to do a blood test which the officer declined. 3 hrs passed, He then took her licence and let her call someone to come pick her up. Its now 5am and she is in the middle of nowhere. The whole situation was handled poorly and evan if she had been over the limit she will probably get off due to the officers negligence. I really hope my friend was telling the truth and that she really was responsible enough to make the right decision . I'm not saying she would blatantly lie to me , only that alcohol does effect judgement and maybe she was worse off than she thought.

Now that I have given you the story I will give you my opinion on what my friends did and on DRINKING AND DRIVING. I want to kick both thier asses. First let me say both of my friends are single moms. The fact that they would endanger their lives (let alone everyone else on the roads) and possibly leave their children alone in this world drives me crazy. They are supposed to be setting a good example for their children. I told them both they were idiots and I in no way condoned their behaviour not that I got through to either one. The worst part is The girl we ran into there has no remorse. She only wishes she hadn't gotten caught and I'm sure drove herself home with no licence. I also whole heartedly believe she will be a repeat offender. I have more hope that my friend will think twice about driving evan after only 2 drinks. I intend to have more discussions with her on the topic.

Some facts taken from MADD Canada's website

MADD Canada estimates there are somewhere between 1,280 and 1,500 impaired crash fatalities in Canada each year (3.5-4.1 deaths per day). (2005)

MADD Canada estimates that approximately 71,413 individuals were injured in impaired driving crashes (196 per day). (2005)

Impaired driving remains Canada’s number one criminal cause of death. An average of 4 Canadians are killed and another 190 are seriously injured every day as a result of impaired driving. (Feb.28/2008)

I believe we are all well educated in the reasons of why we should't drink and drive it sickens me that evan with the knowledge so many still choose the drink and drive. I have lost several friends in this stupid senseless way. They were all young victims most in thier teens and early 20's. They had so much to look forward too. The hardest part is that in most cases the people who took thier lives continue on with thier own with very few lasting consequences. I honestly hope that what they have taken from us will haunt them untill the day thet die. I know that it sounds harsh but so is losing so many for such a stupid reason.

Monday, June 23, 2008

MEME borrowed from She's a Rebel, She's a Saint

Basically, you look at the word and enter the very first reaction that enters your mind. Doesn't matter how many words it takes, just give your reaction to the word.

Beer: Cold, BBQ's

Sex: hummmm, Maybe tonight

McDonald: Dan (old friend)

Relationship: Important, special

Purple: Flowers

Power Rangers: Trouble

Steroids: Arnie or Simpson

Cartoons: Scooby dooby dooooooo

The President: stess, a mess

Tupperware: good stuff

Santa Claus: family, Christmas

Halloween: Mackenzies Birthday (My Son)

Alice: in Wonderland

Myspace: Never been

Clowns: flowers, big feet

Marriage: Wonderful and worth the work

Paris: someday

Patty: cake

Redheads: Reba, Temper temper

Blondes: Are not more fun

One night stands: oops, I did what

Donald Trump: Get a haircut already

Neverland: Nana and Tink!!

Pixie: Girly, cute, dust

Word: association

Vanilla ice cream: not for me

Hooters: Why????

High School Musical: Never seen it.

Pajamas: Comfy

Woody: woodpecker, Cheers

Wet Socks: Skiing, uncomfortable

Reality: Bytes

Honey: Oh suger suger, you are my.....

Money: more please

Butter: Tarts, popcorn

Secret: clearance, mean trouble

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Concequences, Whats that? (RANT)

It would be my 16 yr old asking that question. Things have been a little crazy with him lately. He went to fireworks in the next town over last weekend. A couple of local kids that had been drinking wanted to fight. He managed to leave without any altercations. Then 2 days ago he goes there again to visit his girlfriend. One of these boys assaults him. No they didn't fight, he was assaulted from behind. Grabbed punched in the ear and then in the temple knocking him unconscious. At this point another kid stepped in (A Girl) and the kids took off. The girls brought him home. He calls me and he's pretty upset and asks me to come home. He was a little off but I really thought he was just upset. That is until I handed him the phone to speak with the police. HE COULDN'T even give them his full name. Off to the hospital where I find out he had been unconscious. He's okay black and blue , told to take it easy, no work , school or gaming allowed. Not a happy kid. Tonight I give in and let him go to a friends to sit around a fire and just hang out. There is Adult supervision and I tell them what to watch for. No problem. Accept now it is 12:53 and he was to be home 1.5 hrs ago. Consequences if he's not being careful ,if he has a set back, are not good. He doesn't seem to understand its about his health. I'm not just being a nag. I am so pissed. I give a little and this is what I get. I am so unimpressed. At this point I am thinking the worst. They went out and hes gotten in a bad spot again. Not my normal train of thought. This is not his normal behaviour. So I ask what should the consequences be??? I can think of lots but grounding him means I basically have to babysit. Take electronics Dr. already did. His cell phone, mine rings off the hook. Oh and just to add to my frustration his cell phone is off. Called his girlfriend twice she says he's on his way. They live 5 min away and its been half an hour. I am praying for patience, I'm running low at this point. Well off I go to try and track him down. I'll be the embarrassing Mom tonight, no skin off my ass. Wish me luck.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Why did I do that????

So I decided today was the day to take my measurements after all the scale isn't everything. Why did I start my day off this way? I must have been in denial. I really had no idea my waist was that big. Great way to start the day.
Here goes

The really sad part is 6 yrs ago my waist was only 3" bigger than my thigh. That's what really shocked me. Okay enough of the complaining, time to get motivated and start making some changes. Last wk I set getting all my water as a goal. So far so good. This week I am going to start taking vitamins and I have started walking my 3 dogs everyday. I know water, vitamins and exercise are going to be crucial to my health and success after surgery so I'm trying to make them habits now.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Getting over myself and moving on.

I'm being silly and I know I am but still I persist. I started this blog so I could empty my head at night. Just let go of the days events. Then I read other peoples blogs and think "They are so interesting, so deep, so funny, so intelligent." These thoughts have kept me from blogging. I think why would anyone want to read about my boring life? Then I remembered I'm not wring this for other people I'm writing it for me. If someone else gets something from it that's great, but it really wasn't the point. That being said, Here I go....

Things have been crazy around my house. Draven my youngest has had 2 field trips this week and he in the Zone at school which is a form of detention. I don't usually interfere with the schools disciplinary tactics, but this has gone on for over two weeks. No recess, No lunch hour for a 10 yr old boy for over two weeks. What did he do?? He spoke english. He goes to a francophone school and they are only allowed to speak english in english class. The length seems extreme. The principle says its only supposed to be 3 days. We have a problem. The math means he's been caught 5 times since this began. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. His teacher is insane. This is not working. Not only is it not working, but a boy who loved school now hates to go. Would you want to go each day knowing you were in trouble before you Evan got there? The principle agreed and as of tomorrow he is no longer in the zone. With a warning from me that if he doesn't want to end up there again please think before you speak and make sure it comes out in french.

Next My husband has decided he's not happy in his career he wants to move up the later. YEAH well kinda, It means going away more, taking courses and going back to school. Thank God for the Internet. Two of his courses start this week.

My 17 year old starts exams this week. His first one was today. The battle to make him understand he still needs to study has begun. I have a great kid. He doesn't smoke or drink or swear at me. (no really he doesn't we actually have a TMI relationship) When it comes to school we really but heads. He quit once for two weeks, full time work at a grocery store wasn't his idea of fun. Now I need him to pass these classes and do one more semester, Doesn't seem like much to me. But to him its his whole life, its forever, (yes I remember feeling that way)
Wish me luck I need it.

Lastly I have been sick all week. A migraine causing nausea, and of course an all around bad mood. I feel sorry for them all. Its not a good week to bug Mom. Here's to tomorrow hopefully a healthier happier day.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

drjoyavsg : Messages : 1341-1369 of 1510

This is some Supplies to Remember when going to Mexico for VSG This imformation was given by Joyce Deer on Dr Joya's message board.

Supplies, Misc Thoughts and Extra Expenses

Gause pads and paper tape
Hotel serves breakfast
Bandaids, butterfly
Hotel serves bites around 5 pm
DVDs - movies at hotel ~$18
Hotel has broth, tea, water
Ask for a Wheelchair at PV Airport
$50 in ones (for tips)
non SF popsicles in main front lobby bar
Watermelon Juice at bar
$20 upgrade to ocean front w/balcony
Heating Pad
Bogarts - Onion Soup Broth
No gum, carbonation, straws
Medications in PV?
Pill Splitter
Ask hotel for foam pad for bed top
7' balloons from Walmart
Spanish for PAIN is DOLOR?
Dilute juices with 50% water
Tip Natalie too!
wash rags weight loss afterwards
straws ok after a while - little coffee stirrers great
check cell phone long distance plan or set up SKYPE on computer
tea maker
Loose fitting clothes
no fingernail/toenail polish
Tylenol/no ibuprofen l
ight sports bra or no wires
disposable plastic spoons extra suitcases for purchases
Bottled water, jello at Walmart -

Friday, June 6, 2008


About six months ago I started looking into WLS, which lead me to reading forums, which lead me to blogs. All new to me. I feel like I've gotten a chance to know so many amazing people this way. It amazes me how open people are about their lives triumphs and struggles. Shed a few tears and had lots of laughs. The whole thing seems therapeutic. That's where I decided to give it a shot. So excuse the bumpy and possibly very boring start. I'll learn and grow with time.