Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So I spent the afternoon in court. I drove a friend and stayed to bring her home. Much to my surprise another friend or more like an aquaintience was there for the same reason. They had both been charged with DUI. This was my first time in a court room in 16 yrs. The excuses people gave were amazing. I was sickened by the whole thing.

Back to my friends. One was drunk and admits it freely but the breathalyzer test was inconclusive twice and only registered on the third try. She's going to fight the charge. The friend I went with swears she wasn't drunk. She had a couple drinks early in the evening and quit drinking. At the end of the night a bunch of guys who had drank way to much had no ride home and she gave them a lift. As she dropped them off she was pulled over. She took 4 breathalyzers all inconclusive and offered to do a blood test which the officer declined. 3 hrs passed, He then took her licence and let her call someone to come pick her up. Its now 5am and she is in the middle of nowhere. The whole situation was handled poorly and evan if she had been over the limit she will probably get off due to the officers negligence. I really hope my friend was telling the truth and that she really was responsible enough to make the right decision . I'm not saying she would blatantly lie to me , only that alcohol does effect judgement and maybe she was worse off than she thought.

Now that I have given you the story I will give you my opinion on what my friends did and on DRINKING AND DRIVING. I want to kick both thier asses. First let me say both of my friends are single moms. The fact that they would endanger their lives (let alone everyone else on the roads) and possibly leave their children alone in this world drives me crazy. They are supposed to be setting a good example for their children. I told them both they were idiots and I in no way condoned their behaviour not that I got through to either one. The worst part is The girl we ran into there has no remorse. She only wishes she hadn't gotten caught and I'm sure drove herself home with no licence. I also whole heartedly believe she will be a repeat offender. I have more hope that my friend will think twice about driving evan after only 2 drinks. I intend to have more discussions with her on the topic.

Some facts taken from MADD Canada's website

MADD Canada estimates there are somewhere between 1,280 and 1,500 impaired crash fatalities in Canada each year (3.5-4.1 deaths per day). (2005)

MADD Canada estimates that approximately 71,413 individuals were injured in impaired driving crashes (196 per day). (2005)

Impaired driving remains Canada’s number one criminal cause of death. An average of 4 Canadians are killed and another 190 are seriously injured every day as a result of impaired driving. (Feb.28/2008)

I believe we are all well educated in the reasons of why we should't drink and drive it sickens me that evan with the knowledge so many still choose the drink and drive. I have lost several friends in this stupid senseless way. They were all young victims most in thier teens and early 20's. They had so much to look forward too. The hardest part is that in most cases the people who took thier lives continue on with thier own with very few lasting consequences. I honestly hope that what they have taken from us will haunt them untill the day thet die. I know that it sounds harsh but so is losing so many for such a stupid reason.

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